De som ønsker å bidra til å bevare alteret som et norsk nasjonalmonument i Roma, ønskes velkommen som medlemmer i Venneforeningen.
Medlemskontingenten fastsettes av årsmøtet og betales forskuddsvis.
Den er for tiden kr 450 for hovedmedlemskap, kr 650 for duomedlemskap (gir rett til å ha med ledsager) og kr 200 for student.
Vil du bli medlem?
Betal medlemsavgiften til konto 5083.06.47500. Husk å merke med navn. Send dessuten en epost til om at du/dere melder dere på, og oppgi navn og telefonnummer.
Vi ønsker deg velkommen som medlem i Venneforeningen for St. Olavsalteret i Roma!
The Friendship Society of the St. Olav Chapel in Rome was founded in 2007 to support the continued use of the St. Olav Chapel–the Norwegian National Shrine in the Basilica of San Carlo al Corso in Rome–and to stimulate the ecumenical and cultural activities associated with the chapel.
Among the society’s major activities is the St. Olav Days; an annual ecumenical gathering in connection with the celebration of St Olav’s christening, held at the St. Olav Chapel in Rome on October 16, on the Feast of St. Olav’s Conversion and Baptism.
An annual meeting of the society is held in Oslo before the end of June.
Membership in the society is personal and open to individuals who agree to the society’s statutes.
Membership communication is Internet based and primarily in Norwegian. Current membership fees are NOK 650 for Double membership, NOK 450 for Single membership, and NOK 200 for Studentmembership.